Information provided on these pages are for guidance purposes only and does not constitute any mortgage advice. 

Birmingham Midshires Mortgage products are branded BM Solution Mortgages. To obtain a BM Solutions mortgage there are some key lending criteria that must be met.

It is also important to note that BM Solutions mortgages are only available to new Buy to Let and Let to Buy customers and that these mortgages are only available via independent financial advisers and mortgage advisers (they are not available directly to customers). BM Mortgage Advisers have a panel of dedicated BM Solution mortgage advisers.

BM Solutions Lending Criteria

BM Solutions Lending Criteria (for Mortgage Advisers)


This lending guide highlights just some of the key aspects of BM Solution mortgages lending criteria. BM Mortgage advisers specialist team can provide advice on all aspects of BM Solutions mortgages and have a thorough understanding of all lending criteria.

Make a no obligation mortgage enquiry with our dedicated team of BM Solutions mortgage advisers.